Bwople is a pfp NFT Collection Project by Gengoya on the Tezos Blockchain. Every Bwople is a non-generative, digitally hand-drawn artwork. Every Bwople is 1/1, which means there can only be one collector at a time for each Bwople. Bwople is inclusively designed to be gender neutral, expression neutral, with BW colors to appear neutral across range of visual abilities.


BWOPLE Gallery

to see all Bwoples


Bwople is a PFP project which stands for “profile picture”. It is the image that people use on websites, mostly social media, to represent their profile. BWOPLE wants to provide eager collectors with PFP that echoes with their personality, and we want this to be the same for anyone no matter the gender. To keep it gender-neutral, there were some design decisions made:

1. Pronouns

Each Bwople is given a number as its name. Wherever the Bwople is displayed, I will address the Bwople by its number without using he/she/etc. The moment you become a collector and intends to use it as an “avatar”, feel free to decide the gender however you see fit. In the case of collecting Bwople(s) as an artwork (not gonna use for your pfp, avatar, etc.), I’d recommend keeping the gender neutral by using neutral pronouns.

Example :


2. Framing

Bwople’s framing is cropped around just above the chest area, leaving it to the imagination what kind of body the Bwople has underneath.


3. Facial Features